Mammoth Memory

Loathsome – repulsive

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(Pronounced lothe-sum)

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Loathsome means repulsive – something that causes hatred or disgust.

To remember the definition of the word repulsive, use the following mnemonic:

Loaves, some (loathsome) of them looked disgusting and tasted repulsive.


Some loaves (loathsome) of bread looked disgusting and tasted repulsive.


Words with a similar meaning to loathsome include abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting, distasteful, dreadful, evil, foul and gross.


Examples of loathsome in a sentence

Everyone tried to avoid her because of her loathsome behaviour.

The waitress refused to serve the customer because of his loathsome attitude.

I will not allow my children to play that band's music because their songs are loathsome.