Mammoth Memory

Convert between an improper fraction and a mixed number

We know an improper fraction is a fraction with bigger numbers on the top than the bottom numbers, and a mixed number is a whole number (integer) and a fraction.



Improper fraction is `8/3`

Mixed number is `2\2/3`

To convert from `8/3` to  `2\2/3`

To convert `8/3` do what it says i.e `8div3`
improper fraction think DIVIDE

So   `8/3`   is `8` divided by `3`

`16/5` is `16` divided by `5`

`7/3`   is `7` divided by `3`


Example 1

Convert `8/3` to a mixed number

`8/3` is `8` divided by `3`

`3` into `8` is `2` with a remainder of `2`

So `8/3=2` remainder `2/3`



Example 2

Convert `13/3` to a mixed number

`13/3` is `13` divided by `3`

`3` into `13` is `4` with a remainder of `1`

So `13/3=4` remainder `1/3`



Example 3

Convert `17/6` to a mixed number

`17/6` is `17` divided by `6`

`6` into `17` is `2` with a remainder of `5`

So `17/6=2` remainder `5/6`




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