Mammoth Memory

Making better mnemonics with stronger images 

If you are having difficulty remembering some of the English language images then you need to make the image even more bizarre and as crazy as possible.


Take, for example:


At the moment, our picture shows:

Ominous - Suggesting that something unpleasant is likely to happen.

(pronounced ohm-i-nus)

Oh, minus (ominous) on everything. This is going to be bad. 

Oh, minus (ominous) on everything. This is going to be bad.

If you are having difficulty remembering this then make the image more bizarre and as crazy as possible:

Oh, minus (ominous) on everything. This is going to be bad.

This will help you remember the mnemonic better.


Maybe the word sociable, meaning to "enjoy meeting and engaging with other people" is not being retained in your memory even after seeing the following mnemonic:

The so-shabby bull was really scruffy - but he was very friendly and enjoyed meeting all the other bulls.

The so-shabby bull (sociable) was really scruffy – but he was very friendly and enjoyed meeting all the other bulls.

So you may have to change the image in your head to one more bizarre and as crazy as possible.

The so-shabby bull (sociable) was really scruffy – but he was very friendly and enjoyed meeting all the other bulls.

Now it's more likely to be remembered.


Maybe the meaning of slake just doesn't spring to mind even after seeing the following mnemonic:

Slake - Quench or satisfy your thirst.

(pronounced slayk)

The snake in the lake (slake) lived in the water so that it could satisfy its thirst anytime it wanted.

The snake in the lake (slake) lived in the water so that it could satisfy its thirst any time it wanted.

So let's make it more bizarre and as crazy as possible:

The snake in the lake (slake) lived in the water so that it could satisfy its thirst any time it wanted.

Now you can't help but remember what slake means.


If you're having difficulty remembering a mnemonic then the image is not bizarre or crazy enough for you.

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