Mammoth Memory

Beach Reprofiling – Changing the profile or shape of the beach

In order to understand "beach reprofiling" you need to remember what the word profile is:

Profile: An outline

To remember the meaning of the term Beach Reprofiling, use the following mnemonic:

The professional used a file (profile) and that changed his outline completely.

The professional used a file (profile) and that changed his outline completely.

Beach profile refers to a cross-sectional trace of a beach at an angle of 90° to the sea.

Beach reprofiling in coastal landscapes geography 1

Beach reprofiling is therefore changing the outline of the beach.

Note: It usually refers to the direct transfer of material from the lower to the upper beach or occasionally the transfer of sand down the dune face from crest to toe.

beach reprofiling diagram

Re-shaping the cross-sectional profile of a beach in this way ensures it offers the maximum protective gradient and width against destructive wave action.

Bulldozers are used to create a gentle profile, which is much more effective at absorbing wave energy and preventing further erosion.

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