Prime factors
We know Prime `=` Prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.............
We know Factors `=` Take a number apart using ladders
So logically Prime Factors are:
Example 1
What is the prime factorization of 12?
Factor the number 12
Write down the number and put two ladders up against it.
Then write the numbers from 1 down the left ladder.
Now fill the right ladder with the numbers that multiply to give 12.
Therefore the factors of 12 are:
1 and 12
2 and 6
3 and 4
Alternatively the factors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12
The only prime numbers that are also factors of 12 are:
2 and 3
So we have to use only these two numbers to multiply to 12.
Try `2times3=6`
Try `(2times3=6)times2=12`
So the answer is `2times3times2`
or `2times2times3`
or `2^2times3`
Example 2
What are the prime factors of 24?
The only prime numbers that are also factors of 24 are:
`2` and `3`
So we have to use only these two numbers to multiply to 24.
Try `2times3=6`
Try `(2times3=6)times3=18` - can't multiply to get 24
Try `(2times3=6)times2=12`
Try `(2times3times2=12)times2=24`
So the answer is `2times3times2times2`
which is `2times2times2times3`
or `2^3times3`
Example 3
What is the prime factorisation of 70?
Factor 70
The only prime numbers that are also factors of 70 are:
2, 5 and 7
So we have to use only these 3 numbers to multiply to 70
Try `2times5=10`
Try `(2times5=10)times7=70`
So the answer is `2times5times7`
Example 4
What is the prime factorisation of 147?
Factor 147
21 and 49 are not prime numbers.
The only prime numbers that are also factors of 147 are:
3 and 7
So we have to use only these two numbers to multiply to 147.
Try `3times7=21`
Try `(3times7=21)times7=147`
So the answer is `3times7times7`
or ` 3times7^2`
Example 5
What is the prime factorisation of 17?
Factor 17
There are no other combinations that work.
17 is a prime number.
So 17 is the prime factorisation.