If you know lots of words, you will be able to express yourself better and also be better placed to understand all types of written text and what people are saying to you.
It follows that an extensive vocabulary can help you achieve higher grades in examinations – particularly English exams – and help you to succeed at work, perhaps gaining promotion more rapidly.
You have such an effective command of the English language that you can have the best office in the building.
You can achieve this by learning TWO THOUSAND new words.
The magic number – 2,000 new words.
Practise every day for half an hour.
Work both ways – words to definitions or definitions to words. Amazingly, mnemonics work both ways.
Discipline and practise of vocabulary can result in a massive improvement in your wage. An employer will believe you’re very intelligent and will pay more (but only if you ask, because you only get what you ask for – you can’t be shy in business).