Mammoth Religious Studies
Praying you'll remember the names of the Hindu deities? Seeking guidance on the line of prophets that preceded Muhammed? Try our picture-based approach to revision and you'll truly believe you can get top marks in RS . . .
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Religious Studies Vocabulary
Existence of God and Revelation
- Hinduism Introduction
- Hinduism Summary Chart
- Ahimsa
- Arati
- Artha
- Atman
- Avatar
- Bhajan/Kirtan
- Brahma
- Brahman
- Cosmology
- Cow Protection
- Cycle of Four Ages
- Darshan
- Deities
- Dharma
- Diwali
- Environmental Projects
- Four Aims of Life
- Free Will
- Ganesha
- Guru
- Hanuman
- Havan
- Holi
- Japa
- Kama
- Krishna
- Kumbh Mela
- Lakshmi
- Mandir
- Moksha
- Multiverse
- Murti
- Personal virtues
- Pilgrimage
- Prakriti
- Puja
- Rama
- Samsara
- Saraswati
- Sanatana Dharma
- Shaivism
- Shrine
- Social Inclusion
- Three Features of the Divine
- Trimurti
- Vaishnavism
- Varanasi
- Varnashrama Dharma
- Vishnu
- Yoga
Human Rights and Social Justice
- Judaism Introduction
- Judaism Summary Chart
- Abraham
- The Amidah
- Bar Mitzvah
- Bat Mitzvah
- Bimah
- Brit Milah
- Charity
- The Covenant
- Creator
- Dietary Laws
- Divine Presence
- Free Will
- Healing the world
- Judge
- Judgement
- Justice
- Kosher
- Law-Giver
- Liberal Judaism
- Merciful
- Mezuzah
- Mitzvot
- Moses
- Monotheism
- Mourning Rituals
- Ner Tamid
- Orthodox Judaism
- Pesach
- Pikuach Nefesh (Saving a Life)
- Pushke
- Reform Judaism
- Rosh Hashanah
- Sanctity of Human Life
- Shabbat
- Sinai
- Synagogue
- Talmud (Oral Law)
- Tanakh
- The Messiah
- The Ten Commandments
- Trefah
- Tzedakah
- Yom Kippur
Peace and Conflict
Relationships and Families
St Mark's Gospel - As a Source of Spiritual Truth
St Mark's Gospel - The Life of Jesus
- Sikhism Introduction
- Sikhism Summary Chart
- Akhand Path
- Amrit Sanskar
- Amritdhari Sikh
- Birth and Naming Ceremonies
- Contentment
- Courage
- Creator
- Divali
- Equality
- Five Khands
- Remembering the Five Khands
- Gobind Singh
- Golden Temple of Amritsar
- Gurdwara
- Gurmukh
- Gurpurbs
- Guru Granth Sahib
- Guru Nanak
- Haumai
- Humility
- Justice
- Karma
- Kaur
- Langar
- Manmukh
- Mool Mantra
- Mukti
- Nam Japna
- Palki
- Patience
- Prayer
- Rebirth
- Self-control
- Sahajdhari Sikh
- Sangat
- Sewa
- Singh
- Takht
Ten Commandments
The Seven Deadly Sins
- What are the Seven Deadly Sins?
- Sloth
- Gluttony
- Pride
- Envy
- Greed
- Wrath
- Lust
- How to remember the Seven Deadly Sins
- Story: The pie eating contest – 1
- The pie eating contest – 2
- The pie eating contest – 3
- The pie eating contest – 4
- The pie eating contest – 5
- The pie eating contest – 6
- The pie eating contest – 7
- Another way to remember