Mammoth Sports Science
Struggling to get out of the blocks? Feeling fatigued using standard revision methods? Well, If you're aiming for a gold medal in your exams, Mammoth Memory's sports science course can get you on the right track!
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Types of Synovial Joint
Types of Joint Movement
- Anatomy and Anatomic Movement
- Anatomical Position
- Flexion
- Elbow Flexion
- Hand/Wrist Flexion
- Finger (Knuckle) Flexion
- Phalange Flexion
- Shoulder Flexion
- Hip Flexion
- Knee Flexion
- Back Flexion
- Extension
- Elbow Extension
- Hand/Wrist Extension
- Finger (Knuckle) Extension
- Phalanges Extension
- Shoulder Extension
- Hip Extension
- Knee Extension
- Back Extension
- Abduction
- Adduction
- Rotation
- Circumduction
- Six Main Joint Movements
- Pronation of the Hand
- Supination of the Hand
- Dorsiflexion
- Plantar Flexion
- Bio
- Biomechanics
Anatomical Body Planes
Circulatory System
Respiratory System
Lever Systems in the Body
Skeletons and Bones
Tendons, Ligaments and muscles