Mammoth Memory

Accommodate – 1. To fit in with the needs or wishes of an individual, group or organisation. 2. (of a building or other area) provide lodging or sufficient space for

(Pronounced uh-kom-uh-dayt)

To remember the definition of the word accommodate, use the following mnemonic:

She wasn't a common candidate (accommodate). She promised to meet everyone's wishes by providing new homes with sufficient space for five occupants. 

She wasn't a common candidate (accommodate). She promised to meet everyone's wishes by providing new homes with sufficient space for five occupants. 

Examples of accommodate in a sentence (To fit in with the needs or wishes of an individual, group or organisation.)

We have to accommodate the wishes of the guests.

Will you accommodate a request to visit the hospital outside of visiting hours?

He should accommodate himself to the wishes of his supporters.


Examples of accommodate in a sentence ((of building or other area) provide lodging or sufficient space for.)

Does the hotel accommodate dogs?

The prison will accommodate approximately 60 inmates.

The restaurant can also accommodate large groups and parties.

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