Mammoth Memory

Animus – 1. hostility or ill feeling 2. motivation to do something

(Pronounced ah-nih-muhs)

To remember the definition of the word animus, use the following mnemonic:

The farm animals decided they must (animus) do something. They held ill feelings towards the farmer and were motivated to tie him up.

The farm animals decided they must (animus) do something. They held ill feelings towards the farmer and were motivated to tie him up.

Examples of animus in a sentence (hostility or ill feeling)

I have no animus towards Bob, despite what he says.

My animus towards my flatmate comes from the fact he is constantly leaving dirty dishes everywhere.

If you hear animus in my voice, it's because I really can't stand her.


Examples of animus in a sentence (motivation to do something)

The animus came from his desire to help people.

My animus to get up and go has completely left me.

Her energetic dog gave her all the animus she needed to get out of bed in the morning.

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