Array – 1. An impressive display or range of a particular type of thing 2. An ordered series or arrangement
(Pronounced uh - ray)
To remember the definition of the word array, use the following mnemonic:
A ray (array) of sunlight shone on the impressive range of animals, who had neatly arranged themselves by size.
Examples of array in a sentence (An impressive display of a particular type of thing)
The merchant had an amazing array of collectibles for sale.
My coin collection has an array of currencies.
There was an array of exotic fruits on display.
Examples of array in a sentence (An ordered series or arrangement)
The books were shown in an array on the shelves of the shop.
There was an array of show dogs on the stage, from smallest to largest breed.
The zoo had a show of parrots trained to get into order to display their array of colours.