Atheist – A person who does not believe there is a god
(Pronounced ay-thee-ist)
A theology student missed (atheist) the last part of her course because she decided she did not believe in God after all.
Examples of atheist in a sentence
The atheist wrote a novel disproving the existence of a higher power.
Because Billy is an atheist, she has no interest in marrying a church-going woman.
The atheist didn't want a copy of the Bible as an award.
The internet provides us with many views of the difference between an agnostic and an atheist. The following are some of the quotes we found:
- "An atheist will tell you that they do not believe in a God."
- "An agnostic will shrug their shoulders and say, maybe, maybe not."
- "atheism is not believing any God exists."
- "agnosticism is not knowing if any god exists."
- "I usually use the terms in what I consider to be a practical sense. If you think the chance of there being a God is less than 10%, then you are an atheist."
- "If you are above 10% but less than 90% then you are an agnostic."
- An atheist would assert: "As far as I am concerned, there is no God."
- An agnostic is likely to say: "God may exist, I just don't know. I am open to the possibility, but the evidence so far does not convince me to make a stand."