Declension (not grammar) – 1. deviation from standard belief 2. a decline (a downward slope or deterioration)
(Pronounced dih-klen-shuhn)
To remember the definition of the word declension, use the following mnemonic:
I had to declare that I clench my teeth and the tension (declension) over many years deteriorated them. I shouldn't have deviated from the standard belief that we should go to the dentist.
Examples of declension (not grammar) in a sentence (1. deviation from standard belief)
Religious declension was creating conflict across the country.
There was an oddly wide spread declension in the belief that the Earth is round.
Declension was beginning to spread amongst the cultists.
Examples of declension (not grammar) in a sentence (2. a decline (a downward slope or deterioration))
The declension in sales lead to the branch being shut down.
Doctors were frantically searching for the cause of her declension in health.
A declension in the teams communication skills was making it difficult to make any further progress.