Mammoth Memory

Deportment – 1. the way a person walks and stands 2. the way a person behaves

(Pronounced duh-port-muhnt)

To remember the definition of the word deportment, use the following mnemonic:

You can be deported at a moment's (deportment) notice depending on the way you walk and stand and the way you behave.

You can be deported at a moment's (deportment) notice depending on the way you walk and stand and the way you behave.


Examples of deportment in a sentence (the way a person walks and stands)

When walking to the podium, the graduate walked with a deportment that showed confidence.

The old woman always held her head high and walked with the deportment of a queen. 

The school teaches young woman proper deportment so they can behave suitably at formal events.


Examples of deportment in a sentence (the way a person behaves)

Because Kevin misbehaves in school, he usually receives a poor score in deportment.

My child’s deportment improved greatly after he was sent to a camp conducted by a former marine.

He maintained a hard deportment on the outside, but inside he was as soft as a kitten.

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