devout – 1. believing strongly in a religion and obeying all its rules or principles; deeply religious 2. totally committed to a cause or belief
(Pronounced dih-vout)
To remember the definition of the word devout, use the following mnemonic:
He devotes time throughout (devout) the day to pray, as he's deeply religious, but his friend is committed to the belief that the religion doesn't exist.
Examples of devout in a sentence (1. believing strongly in a religion and obeying all its rules or principles; deeply religious)
Her father was a devout Catholic.
The devout monk took a vow of silence.
The devout Christian tried to convert him.
Examples of devout in a sentence (2. totally committed to a cause or belief)
She was a devout believer in the charity's cause.
They were devout members of the rebellion.
He needed a devout team to have any chance of winning.