Mammoth Memory

devout – 1. believing strongly in a religion and obeying all its rules or principles; deeply religious 2. totally committed to a cause or belief

(Pronounced dih-vout)

To remember the definition of the word devout, use the following mnemonic:

He devotes time throughout (devout) the day to pray, as he's deeply religious, but his friend is committed to the belief that the religion doesn't exist. 

He devotes time throughout (devout) the day to pray, as he's deeply religious, but his friend is committed to the belief that the religion doesn't exist

Examples of devout in a sentence (1. believing strongly in a religion and obeying all its rules or principles; deeply religious)

Her father was a devout Catholic. 

The devout monk took a vow of silence. 

The devout Christian tried to convert him.


Examples of devout in a sentence (2. totally committed to a cause or belief)

She was a devout believer in the charity's cause. 

They were devout members of the rebellion. 

He needed a devout team to have any chance of winning. 

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