Mammoth Memory

Dint –   1) Dent or hollow in a surface 2) As a result of something


Dint is often used in the expression "by dint of"

(Pronounced dint)

To remember the definition of the word dint, use the following mnemonic:

What a din (dint) – you dented my car!

What a din, you dented (dint) my car.

NOTE: Dint also has another use in the phrase "By dint of", which means "by means of" or "as a result of".

The dent of (by dint of) course was a result of her using her phone while driving.

The dent of (by dint of) course was a result of her using her phone while driving


Examples of dint in a sentence

The dint in the washing machine was so bad, they had to buy another one.

His hat had a dint at the top.

She hit it hard, but she didn’t even dint it.


Examples of By dint of in a sentence

By dint of its cheap price tag, the latest laptop has made its way onto the bestseller’s list.

The country was able to conquer others by dint of its brutish ruler who took prisoners wherever he went.

She was able to rise to the top by dint of education and a strong work ethic. 

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