Disgorge – 1. To pour or empty something out in large quantities 2. to vomit
(Pronounced dis-gawj)
To remember the definition of the word disgorge, use the following mnemonic:
The workers disposed of the chemical waste into the gorge (disgorge) emptying their tankers in large quantities. The foul smell of the waste caused one worker to vomit.
Examples of disgorge in a sentence (to pour or empty something out in large quantities)
Oil began to disgorge all over the street after the tanker crashed.
He was fired after breaking a barrel and causing thousands of pounds worth of whiskey to disgorge all over the floor.
Ink disgorged all over the office floor when the printer's ink cartridge broke.
Examples of disgorge in a sentence (to vomit)
Food poisoning caused him to disgorge anything he attempted to eat.
After having far too much to drink, he spent the next day in bed trying not to disgorge.
The smell from the fridge was enough to make her disgorge, but she couldn't figure out what was causing it.