Embellish – 1, to make something prettier. 2, add to a story to make it more interesting (even if it's not true)
(Pronounced em-bel-ish)
To remember the definition of the word embellish, use the following mnemonic:
"Alice then met an embalmer who put relish (embellish) on dead bodies to make them look prettier," the narrator said, adding to the traditional story to make it more interesting.
Examples of embellish in a sentence (to make something prettier)
The seamstress used sequins and pearls to embellish the prom dress.
My bedroom was very boring so I decided to embellish it with the things I love.
My phone case was boring so I decided to embellish it with things I had found on the beach.
Examples of embellish in a sentence (add to a story)
My mother manages to embellish a story a little more every time she repeats it to somebody.
Embellish your stories with adjectives and literary techniques to keep them interesting.
Jimmy was famous for his lies. Everything he said was a little too embellished to be true.