Mammoth Memory

Engorge – 1. To swallow greedily 2. To congest with blood/overfill with liquid

(Pronounced en-gawrj)

To remember the definition of the word engorge, use the following mnemonic:

The vampire enjoyed meeting gorgeous (engorge) young women and then greedily swallowing and filling himself with their blood.

The vampire enjoyed meeting gorgeous (engorge) young women and then greedily swallowing and filling himself with their blood

Examples of engorge in a sentence (To swallow greedily)

He was engorged with sweets and chocolate after eating everything he got on Halloween in one sitting. 

The rich king would engorge himself on fancy food while his subjects starved. 

She preferred to engorge one giant lunch a day, rather than have multiple meals. 

Examples of engorge in a sentence (To congest with blood/ overfill with liquid) 

They forgot to take the water balloon off the tap and it became more and more engorged until it burst. 

The doughnuts she made where engorged with jam, making them extremely messy to eat. 

Her broken foot began to engorge as it became swollen. 

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