Mammoth Memory

Feudalism – A medieval system in which people were given land and protection by people of higher status, and worked and fought for them in return

(Pronounced fyoo-duh-li-sum)

To remember the definition of the word feudalism, use the following mnemonic:

The medieval kings had a feud, leading to an altercation about sexism (feudalism). One king believed he should be able to give land to women after they had worked hard and fought for him.

The medieval kings had a feud, leading to an altercation about sexism (feudalism). One king believed he should be able to give land to women after they had worked hard and fought for him.

Examples of feudalism in a sentence

Feudalism was abolished in England in the year 1660.

Roman feudalism produced rules similar to England.

In this book, the author writes about anti - feudalism.

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