Mammoth Memory

Impalpable – 1. unable to be felt by touch 2. not easily comprehended

(Pronounced im-pal-puh-buhl)

To remember the definition of the word impalpable, use the following mnemonic:

Him and his pal were capable (impalpable) of seeing the ghost, but they could not easily comprehend why they were unable to touch it.

Him and his pal were capable (impalpable) of seeing the ghost, but they could not easily comprehend why they were unable to touch it.

Examples of impalpable in a sentence (unable to be felt by touch)

You can see the signs of love, you can’t touch love because it’s impalpable.

Although the tension was impalpable, everyone was aware of it.

They all felt the impalpable power of faith.


Examples of impalpable in a sentence (not easily comprehended)

The size of the universe is impalpable.

The cost is not impalpable, it's only £5.

Her stupidity is impalpable, I can't believe she'd drive without a license. 

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