Impotent – 1. Not having the power or ability to change or improve a situation 2. (of a man) unable to achieve orgasm; unable to have children.
(Pronounced im-puh-tunt)
To remember the definition of the word impotent, use the following mnemonic:
The government imposed higher taxes, and though reluctant (impotent), we were powerless to change the situation. We were unable to afford to have children.
Examples of impotent in a sentence (Not having the power or ability to change or improve a situation)
The staff were impotent when it came to the rules of education.
Unfortunately, she was impotent trying to change the way he spoke to her.
The child found himself impotent sat in a time out corner of the room.
Examples of impotent in a sentence ((of a man) unable to achieve orgasm; unable to have children)
She wanted children but her husband turned out to be impotent.
Him being impotent was a dealbreaker for his date.
The mother was afraid her husband became impotent after so many years together.