Inborn – 1. Existing from birth 2. natural for a person
(Pronounced in-born)
To remember the definition of the word inborn, use the following mnemonic:
The infant was born (inborn) with a Mohican hairstyle. It was natural for his curious brother to ask how a hairstyle like that could exist from birth.
Examples of inborn in a sentence (existing from birth)
Her inborn personality trait was to be naturally shy and reserved, she was like that her entire life.
His love of sports seemed to be inborn.
That kind of knowledge is acquired, not inborn.
Examples of inborn in a sentence (natural for a person)
The acrobat had an inborn ability and was able to perform difficult moves from a young age.
Some people seem to have an inborn talent for drawing.
After living in the woods, his inborn hunting instincts were highly tuned.