Indoctrinate – Teach/Instruct; one sided
(Pronounced in-dock-trin-ate)
Indoctrinate means to teach a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.
If you indoctrinate someone, you teach them a one-sided view of something and ignore or dismiss opinions that don't agree with your view. For instance, cults and some extreme political and religious groups are said to indoctrinate their followers.
To remember the definition of the word indoctrinate, use the following mnemonic:
In the dock (indoctrinate), the captain consulted his instruction manual (instruct), but he only had to look over one side to see there were people ready to help.
Examples of indoctrinate in a sentence
The modern media indoctrinates us into thinking that our worth stems from our physical appearance.
The ancient text still has the capacity to indoctrinate readers and to cause them to turn away from their community.
Once he had been indoctrinated into their cultish belief system, there was no turning back for him.