Mammoth Memory

Laissez-faire – Unwillingness to get involved in or influence other people's activities, especially on the part of a government that has few regulations on trade and business

(Pronounced lais-ser-faire)

To remember the definition of the word laissez-faire, use the following mnemonic:

Laces were the prize he chose at the fair (laissez-faire) but his parents decided not to interfere.

Laces were the prize he chose at the fair (laissez-faire) but his parents decided not to interfere.


Examples of laissez-faire in a sentence 

With her laissez-faire leadership, the manager has a more hands-off policy, leaving her staff to their own devices.

She had a laissez-faire approach to bringing up her children.

Rules can vary from laissez-faire to strict and oppressive.

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