Mammoth Memory

Limbo – 1. An uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution 2. A dance/game in which the aim is to pass forwards under a low bar without falling or dislodging the bar

(Pronounced lim-boh)

To remember the definition of the word limbo, use the following mnemonic:

They were certainly limber, but would they both (limbo) pass under the bar without dislodging it? There was an uncertain period where we awaited the resolution of the contest.

They were certainly limber, but would they both (limbo) pass under the bar without dislodging it? There was an uncertain period where we awaited the resolution of the contest.

Examples of limbo in a sentence (An uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution)

He felt like he was in limbo waiting for the test results.

They were in limbo after finding the evidence and calling the police.

Our relationship was in limbo after the argument.


Examples of limbo in a sentence (A dance/game in which the aim is to pass forwards under a low bar without falling or dislodging the bar)

She wanted to play limbo at her birthday party.

He thought it was funny watching his classmates play limbo.

The winner of our game of limbo would walk away with a cash prize.

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