Mammoth Memory

Megalomaniac – Someone who has an unnaturally strong wish for power and control

(Pronounced meh-guh-luh-may-nee-ak)

To remember the definition of the word megalomaniac, use the following mnemonic:

Shouting through the megaphone at the top of his lungs, this maniac (megalomaniac) had an unnaturally strong wish for power and control.

Shouting through the megaphone at the top of his lungs, this maniac (megalomaniac) had an unnaturally strong wish for power and control.

Examples of megalomaniac in a sentence

When Jess won the beauty pageant, she became an insufferable megalomaniac.

He was definitely a megalomaniac, it was so obvious you could tell without ever speaking a word to him.

The prince was born as a kind and thoughtful boy, but as he grew all the constant attention turned him into a megalomaniac.

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