Mammoth Memory

Missive - A letter or written communication


(Pronounced miss-iv, with stress on miss)


A missive is a letter or some other written communication - usually a long or official one.

To remember the definition of the word missive, use the following mnemonic:

She would miss the sieve (missive) every time she tried to put something in it, so was sent a written communication telling her she was sacked.

She would miss the sieve (missive) every time she tried to put something in it, so was sent a written communication tellling her she was sacked.


Example of missive in a sentence

He received a missive from the benefits agency telling him why his benefits were being stopped.

The missive from the landlord to the tenant listed what were claimed to be breaches of the tenancy agreement.

Every year council tax payers receive a missive from the local authority telling them what their money will be spent on.



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