Monogamy – Sexual relationships are marriage with only one other person
(Pronounced muh-nog-uh-mee)
In order to learn the definition of monogamy we need to split the word up into two: mono and gamy.
Here's how to learn what mono means:
Mono = one.
(Pronounced mon-oh)
To remember the definition of the word monogamy, use the following mnemonic:
In monopoly (mono) there's only one winner.
Now the second part, gamy.
Gamy = marriage.
(Pronounced gam-ee)
He has a gammy (gamy) leg, but she saw beyond that and agreed to his marriage proposal.
So monogamy is:
Mono = One
Gamy - Marriage
One marriage to one person.
Examples of monogamy in a sentence
Several animal species such as swans, otters and gibbons practice monogamy.
When my husband and I got married, we took a vow of monogamy.
The young man wanted to date many women before he committed to monogamy in a relationship with a single woman.