Mammoth Memory

Obstetric – related to childbirth and associated processes

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(Pronounced ob-steh-trick)

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Obstetric is a medical term that indicates things related to childbirth and associated processes, including pregnancy.

To remember the definition of the word obstetric, use the following mnemonic:

Many obstacles had electric (obstetric) cables sticking out of them, but you need these when monitoring pregnancy and birth processes.

 Many obstacles had electric (obstetric) cables sticking out of them, but you need this when monitoring pregnancy and birth processes.


Examples of obstetric in a sentence

Despite obstetric advances, pre-term birth – before 37 weeks of gestation – is still a big problem.

For a child to be born with this disability indicates shortcomings in obstetric care.

A specialist in obstetrics is called an obstetrician.