Mammoth Memory

peccadillo – Trifling sin; A minor offence

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(Pronounced pek-ah-dill-oh)

To remember the definition of the word peccadillo, use the following mnemonic:

She pecked, the armadillo (peccadillo), at the trifle. The owner said: "It's a sin to eat that." (Trifling sin).

She pecked, the armadillo (peccadillo), at the trifle. The owner said: "It's a sin to eat that." (Trifling sin).


Examples of peccadillo in a sentence

Because Josh had grown tired of Patty’s criticism of every little peccadillo, he asked her for a divorce.

Every politician is bound to have a peccadillo or two, but the senator from that state should be ashamed for all the scandals he has been involved in.

While being fifteen minutes past curfew is just a peccadillo, coming home at dawn is a major problem and you have some explaining to do.