Mammoth Memory

Philosophy – 1. The study of how people should live. 2. A particular system of beliefs, values and principles, or the way someone thinks about life and deals with it

(Pronounced fi-los-uh-fee)

To remember the definition of the word philosophy, use the following mnemonic:

She was filled with a sense of loss after her trophy (philosophy) was stolen, but after some deep thought, realised that wasn't what life is all about.

She was filled with a sense of loss after her trophy (philosophy) was stolen, but after some deep thought, realised that wasn't what life is all about.


Examples of philosophy in a sentence

It was Ed's philosophy that life was just a short precursor to something greater, so he didn't store up treasure on earth.

Philosophy as a subject to study at university is incredibly interesting and can provide great insight, but doesn't necessarily get you a job.

Aristotle and Plato provided many examples of how philosophy can improve our understanding of life and the world.

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