Mammoth Memory

Punt – 1. A flat-bottomed boat. 2. A type of kick where a ball is dropped and then kicked before it touches the ground. 3. A bet

(Pronounced puhnt)

To remember the definition of the word punt, use the following mnemonic:

On a punt (flat bottomed boat) the best way to kick a ball is to drop the ball and then kick it before it hits the ground or in this case before it hits the boat. But it's my bet the ball ends up in the water.

On a punt (flat bottomed boat) the best way to kick a ball is to drop the ball and then kick it before it hits the ground or in this case before it hits the boat. But it's my bet the ball ends up in the water.

Examples of punt in a sentence (flat bottomed boat)

We visited Cambridge and took a tour on a punt.

He propelled the punt using a long pole that he pushed against the river bed.

I'm so excited we are finally getting a punt for our lake.


Examples of punt in a sentence (drop-kicking a ball)

The class had a competition to see who could punt the ball the furthest across the playing field.

The teacher was strict and stated that no punting was allowed when playing football, the ball had to stay on the ground at all times.

Jimmy had to watch the bully steal his ball and punt it into the river.


Examples of punt in a sentence (a bet)

It's not very often I take a punt on the horses but last night I did, and I won!

It's just a punt but I feel my team are going to win the league this season.

The soap opera was so popular local betting shops were inundated with people taking a punt on the outcome of the storylines.

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