Mammoth Memory

Requisition – 1. Ask for something formally 2. Officially take possession of something.


(Pronounced rek-wiz-ish-un)

To remember the definition of the word requisition, use the following mnemonic:

She re-quizzed him about his position (requisition) after he formally asked for the house, and he was adamant he had the authority to officially take possession of it.

She re-quizzed him about his position (requisition) after he formally asked for the house, and he was adamant he had the authority to officially take possession of it.


Examples of requisition in a sentence (ask for something formally)

She issued a requisition to head office for the immediate supply of a new photocopier.

The supply officer would not process any request until he received a requisition signed by the relevant commander.

The office manager filled in an online requisition for more ballpoint pens. 


Examples of requisition in a sentence (officially take possession of something)

The hall and estate were requisitioned by the government for use as a military hospital during the war.

Iron railings outside houses were requisitioned by the war office and melted down for use in the manufacture of military equipment.

Some of the farmer's fields were requisitioned as a site for army training. 

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