Mammoth Memory

Sapient – Wise; relating to the human species


(Pronounced say-pee-unt)

To remember the definition of the word sapient, use the following mnemonic:

Homo sapiens has its roots in "Sapient". Homo is man and sapient is wise; which means homo sapiens is man wise, or wise man. So think sapient, think wise.

Homo Sapiens has its roots in "Sapient". Homo is man and sapient is wise; which means homo sapiens is man wise, or wise man. So think sapient, think wise.


Examples of sapient in a sentence

My sapient mother has helped me deal with a lot of relationship issues.

We can only hope the sapient jury is wise enough to convict the man who destroyed our family.

The people in the tribe visit the sapient medicine woman when they have questions about life and death.

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