Mammoth Memory

Seethe – 1. (of a liquid) boil or to be turbulent as if boiling. 2. (of a person) to be filled with intense but unexpressed anger

(Pronounced seeth)

To remember the definition of the word seethe, use the following mnemonic:

The sea began to breathe (seethe) deeply and bubble as if boiling, full of anger at the rubbish being tipped into it.

The sea began to breathe (seethe) deeply and bubble as if boiling, full of anger at the rubbish being tipped into it, but saying nothing.

Examples of seethe in a sentence (of a liquid)

Wait for the water to seethe before adding the eggs.

It was so stormy, the ocean seethed in the winds beneath the boat.

You could see the water seethe in the sulphur-filled geysers. 


Examples of seethe in a sentence (of a person)

I began to seethe. They were parking in my space again!

The lady seethed watching as the kids bullied the elderly man in the park.

It is hard not to seethe when witnessing a nasty thing take place.

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