Mammoth Memory

Self-indulgence – Allowing yourself to do anything you enjoy

(Pronounced self in-duhl-juhns)

To remember the definition of the word self-indulgence, use the following mnemonic:

I relieved myself in what used to be the dull gents' (self-indulgence) toilets and found a team of artists had gone mad in there; they'd been allowed to do anything they wanted.

I relieved myself in what used to be the dull gents' (self-indulgence) toilets and found a team of artists had gone mad in there; they'd been allowed to do anything they wanted

Examples of self-indulgence in a sentence

My one self-indulgence is going to the cinema once a month. 

His religion dictates he abstain from all self-indulgence

She was constantly struggling to pay bills because she couldn't control her self-indulgence.

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