Mammoth Memory

Surrealism – 1. Fantastic or bizarre imagery or effects in art, literature, film or theatre through subconscious, unnatural or irrational combinations of things. 2. a 20th-century art movement which sought to realise the creative potential of the subconscious

(Pronounced suh-ree-uh-liz-uhm)

To remember the definition of the word surrealism, use the following mnemonic:

She surrendered her realism (surrealism) and decided to paint bizarre imagery from her subconscious instead.

She surrendered her realism (surrealism) and decided to paint bizarre imagery from her subconscious instead.

Examples of surrealism in a sentence

After studying surrealism at college I decided to paint from my subconscious mind.

Salvador Dali was a pioneer of surrealism in art.

The film was a symphony of surrealism and the bizarre.

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