Mammoth Memory

Tart – 1. Sharp or acid in taste 2. Cutting, bitter or sarcastic in relation to a spoken or written remark

(Pronounced tahrt)

To remember the definition of the word tart, use the following mnemonic:

The tart (tart) was filled with sharp knives which gave it a sharp taste, and on top of that one of the knives made an unpleasant remark.

The tart (tart) was filled with sharp knives which gave it a sharp taste, and on top of that one of the knives made an unpleasant remark.


Examples of tart in a sentence (sharp or acid in taste)

I really hate the taste of a tart apple, I much prefer sweet.

Add some sugar to the rhubarb, it's too tart without.

Cherries are very tart compared to strawberries.


Examples of tart in a sentence (cutting, bitter or sarcastic remark)

Her words were much more tart than she intended.

He gave a tart reply, not caring about the consequences. 

The comedian gave a tart comeback to the heckle from the audience. 

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