Mammoth Memory

Vocation - A worthwhile job


(Pronounced vo-kay-shun)


A vocation is a job or career that a person is particularly drawn to and is regarded as worthy or requiring dedication. 

To remember the definition of the word vocation, use the following mnemonic:

The vocal nations (vocation) were called to work in the music industry. They were so good that people felt they were not worthy to listen to them. 


Vocal nations (vocation) were called to work in the music industry. They were so good that people felt they were not worthy to listen to them.


Examples of vocation in a sentence

It was her vocation to become a teacher. 

Her time on the farm as a child had greatly influenced her vocation to become a farmer. 

It wasn't until he was in his sixties that he realised his vocation and turned his hobby into a career. 

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