Mammoth Memory

Wry – 1. Using dry, sarcastic humour 2. having a twisted/lopsided facial expression

(Pronounced rye)

To remember the definition of the word wry, use the following mnemonic:

The rider (wry) gave a twisted smile when he saw other people fall off their horses because he has a dry, sarcastic sense of humour.

The rider (wry) gave a twisted smile when he saw other people fall off their horses because he has a dry, sarcastic sense of humour.

Examples of wry in a sentence (using dry, sarcastic humour)

Jack's wry sense of humour made it difficult for him to be taken seriously at the office.

With wry humour, they laugh at their friends misfortunes.

She watched the intern struggle with their new job with wry amusement.


Examples of wry in a sentence (having a twisted/lopsided facial expression)

The wry smile played across his lips.

When she realised she had caught him lying, the officer gave the man a wry grin. 

He pulled a wry face when I asked him how the interview had gone.

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