Mammoth Memory

Yeasty – 1. Frothy and restless 2. Similar to or containing yeast (a fungus used in making alcoholic drinks and bread)

(Pronounced yee-stee)

To remember the definition of the word yeasty, use the following mnemonic:

The yeast jumped free (yeasty) from the bread and was frothy and restless.

The yeast jumped free (yeasty) from the bread and was frothy and restless.


Examples of yeasty in a sentence (frothy and restless)

Along with the yeasty music, we danced into the night.

The horse was yeasty before the battle.

There was yeasty chatter at a cocktail party on New Year's Eve. 


Examples of yeasty in a sentence (similar to or containing yeast)

The bread smells very yeasty and fresh.

The beer is delicious, it has a yeasty aftertaste. 

Yeasty beers of any sort go well with bread.

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