Mammoth Memory

Beseech – Ask someone to do something in an intense and desperate way

(Pronounced bih-seech)

To remember the definition of the word beseech, use the following mnemonic:

The bee screeched (beseech) at the person not to damage her home but they couldn't hear her, and desperate pleading was to no avail.

The bee screeched (beseech) at the person not to damage her home but they couldn't hear her, and desperate pleading was to no avail

Examples of beseech in a sentence

Her plan to buy a car was to save up as much money as she could over summer, then beseech her parent's for the rest. 

His fans would beseech him for autographs and he would happily oblige. 

He beseeched his manager to reconsider firing him, but she'd had enough of his poor performance and attitude.