Mammoth Memory

Blandishment – Flattery or Pleasing statement used to persuade


(Pronounced blan-dish-ment)

To remember the definition of the word blandishment, use the following mnemonic:

The bland dish meant (blandishment) that they were not bothered what impression they made...

The bland dish meant (blandishment) that they were not bothered what impression they made...

The fancy dish was used when they wanted to flatter and persuade their guests how brilliant they were.

The fancy dish was used when they wanted to flatter and persuade their guests how brilliant they were.


Examples of blandishment in a sentence

As the candidate worked the crowd, he kept smiling and offering some blandishment with every handshake.

Despite his nervousness at meeting his in-laws, Dylan was able to offer just the right blandishment to get their approval.

He mistrusted charm, spiritual appeal, force, wit or other blandishments.

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