Coy – 1.Pretends to be shy. 2. Unwilling to talk about something
(Pronounced koi)
To remember the definition of the word coy, use the following mnemonic:
The koi (coy) fish always pretends to be shy but it is button-lipped, unwilling to talk about why.
Examples of coy in a sentence (pretending to be shy)
The unpopular boy wore a coy grin on his face when he approached the cheerleader.
Ginger batted her eyes in a coy manner.
She liked him, but she was being coy.
Examples of coy in a sentence (unwilling to talk about something)
Daniel asked about her new hairstyle, but mary was being coy.
The prom queen was coy about her reasons for arriving in a helicopter.
Everybody wanted to know Amy's gossip, but she was coy.