Endow – 1. provide with a quality, ability or asset 2. To give or bequeath an income or property
(Pronounced en-dow)
To remember the definition of the word endow, use the following mnemonic:
At the end she took a bow (endow) and they all clapped loudly because it was obvious she had been gifted with remarkable qualities and ability. When the owners of the theatre died, they even bequeathed her the property, she'd become such a good friend.
Examples of endow in a sentence (someone who has been provided with a quality, ability or asset)
She used herbs to endow subtle flavour to a variety of dishes.
What talents do you endow, asked the judge on the TV show.
He was endowed with a great sense of humour.
Examples of endow in a sentence (to give or bequeath an income or property)
The millionaire chose to endow a significant monetary gift to the school.
She lost her house before she died, so she had nothing to endow to her children.
He decided not to endow anything to his ungrateful children.