Arkansas – Arkansas' capital is Little Rock
(Pronounced ahr-kuhn-sor)
To remember the capital of the US state Arkansas, use the following mnemonic:
On the Ark, they saw (Arkansas) that they would hit the little rock (Little Rock).
Arkansas, in the south-central region of the U.S., has a population of more than three million. The state's topography varies greatly, from mountainous regions to densely forested land in the south and lowlands along the Mississippi River. In the past, the state's landowners depended largely on slave labour for the working of the land. Much of Arkansas' Mississippi Delta area, in the east of the state, was developed for cotton plantations. Following World War II, the state began to diversify. Its economy is now based on service industries, aerospace, poultry, steel and tourism. Cotton, soybeans and rice are still grown.
Arkansas' capital, Little Rock, is close to the state's geographical centre, on the south bank of the Arkansas River. It has very hot, humid summers and cool winters, often with some snow. With a population of around 200,000, Little Rock is home to some of the world's biggest non-profit organisations, such as Winrock International (working to empower the disadvantaged), Heifer International (working to eradicate poverty and hunger), the Association of Community Organisations for Reform Now (working on neighbourhood safety, healthcare, affordable housing and other social issues), Lions World Service for the Blind and the Clinton Foundation (creating economic opportunity and improving public health to give people better lives). The city's river port has a large industrial and business complex.