Mammoth Memory

Return (to give back) – rendre

(Pronounced rohnd-rah (rhymes with wand plus rah on the end))

To remember that Return (to give back) is pronounced rohnd-rah (rendre) in French, use the following mnemonic:

She could not return the wand or the ra-ra (rendre) skirt as the were bought in the sale.

She could not return the wand or the ra-ra (rendre) skirt as the were bought in the sale.

NOTE: There are five different French words that mean "return": revenir, retourner, rentrer, rendre and rembourser.
Which one you need depends on what or where you are returning. The French use rendre to mean give back something. For example, this translation for return would be used if you wanted to say "I need to return this book to the library"


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