Making better mnemonics with stronger images
If you are having difficulty remembering some of the French language images then you need to make the image even more bizarre and as crazy as possible.
Take, for example:
A – un (m) / une (f)
(Pronounced uhn (m) but you barely pronounce the 'n', or oon (f))
At the moment, our picture shows:
A is for apple and when she took a bite a worm appeared and in surprise said "uh" (un).
If you are having difficulty remembering this then make the image more bizarre and as crazy as possible.
Imagine the worm screaming Uh! instead:
This will help you remember the mnemonic better.
Turkey – la dinde
(pronounced dand)
Maybe the word "turkey" is not being retained in your memory even after seeing the following mnemonic:
The Christmas turkey was served with dandelions (dinde).
So you may have to change the image and the wording to help you remember as follows:
The Christmas turkey was served to dandelions (dinde).
Now it's more likely to be remembered.
Water – l'eau
(Pronounced like the English word "Owe")
Maybe the french for "water" just doesn't spring to mind even after seeing the following mnemonic:
She thought the glass of water was free – but then she realised she would owe (eau) the restaurant for it.
So let's make it more bizarre and as crazy as possible:
Now you can't help but remember what slake means.
If you're having difficulty remembering a mnemonic then the image is not bizarre or crazy enough for you.