Mammoth Memory

Examples of Vertebrates

Red squirrel (mammal)

Image of a red squirrel (mammal) and profile how to categorize it into the five sub categories of vertebrates

1.  Breathing system: lungs

2.  Skin covering: fur

3.  Thermoregulation: can regulate body temperature – animals that do this are called homeotherms, or “warm-blooded”.

4.  Reproduction: internal fertilisation; gives birth to live young – animals that do this are viviparous

European robin (bird)

Image of a european robin bird and profile how to categorize it into the five sub categories

1.  Breathing system: lungs

2.  Skin covering: feathers

3.  Thermoregulation: can regulate body temperature (homeotherm)

4.  Reproduction: internal fertilisation; lays eggs – animals that do this are oviparous – link to oviparous below)

Adder (reptile)

Image of an adder reptile and profile how to categorize it into the five sub categories

1.  Breathing system: lungs

2.  Skin covering: dry scales

3.  Thermoregulation: cannot regulate its own body temperature – animals like this are called poikilotherms, or cold-blooded

4.  Reproduction: gives birth to live young (but the babies actually develop within eggs inside the female) 

Common frog (amphibian)

Image of a common frog and profile how to categorize it into the five sub categories

1.  Breathing system: has lungs, but can also absorb oxygen through skin

2.  Skin covering: none

3.  Thermoregulation: cannot regulate own body temperature (poikilotherm)

4.  Reproduction: external fertilisation; lays eggs (oviparous)

Pike (bony fish)

Image of a pike bony fish and profile how to categorize it into the five sub categories

1.  Breathing system: absorbs oxygen through gills

2.  Skin covering: wet scales

3.  Thermoregulation: cannot regulate its own body temperature (poikilotherm)

4.  Reproduction: external fertilisation; lays eggs (oviparous)